Pablo Castillo
‘Surrounding Media Landscapes: The Image as a Colonising Tool’ Hipo-Tesis, 23, Ibáñez, E., Castillo, P. (2024)
‘A Tent for Lovers’ Pidgin 31, Princeton University School of Architecture (2023)
‘Bailar La Ciudad. La celebración colectiva en Canarias,’ various authors (2022).
‘Three Parties in Wonderland’ Encounters, Theatrum Mundi + FAP Edition (2022).
‘The Right to Dance: Dancefloors, raves, and clubs: The party as a space of representation,’ EPFL L’Atelier Magazine, 19, Ibáñez, E., Castillo, P., Suárez, H., Bautista, L. (2021).
‘Make2D: Scrolling through Flattened Architecture,’ Yale Paprika, 6, Castillo, P., Ibáñez, E. (2021).
❶ A Tent for Lovers
❷ An Incomplete Performance
❸ Turtles All The Way Down
❹ VISIONS BY #3 Launch
❻ Soil Stacks
❼ Green Archipelago
❽ The Garden of Attractor Sounds
❾ Moving Layers
❶⓿ The Death of a Gallery
❶❶ Our Artificial Nature
⓿ Other projects